Some photos of the boat in the
original form after I bought it. I suppose it was not sold like this
by the Norman company.
pictures of the rebuilding phase in which the bulkheads of synthetic
sheet (do you call it so in English?) were fixed to the hull (by
using glass-fibre and resin?)
Some more of the building phase. Unfortunately I did not
take pictures from the wheelhouse frame and from the construction of
the wheelhouse. What you see in one of these pictures is the wooden
frame which I used for figuring out how the wheelhouse would look and
which was used after I was satisfied with the result by the guy who
welded the aluminium frame.
This time pictures of the boat before it was put into
the water
The last batch. the interior plus, just for fun, a
picture of the river Rhine near the marina.
The first (top
left) picture shows the diesel-heater and chimney. The chimney run through the
back wall and ends in the top of the
'chimney' at the outside. Between the heater and the back wall next to the door
is a storage space with the fire extinguisher, life
jackets, etc. he next picture is from the drivers seat to the back. One can just
see the surface of the table that is located behind the
drivers seat. Not visible is the seat behind the table against the back wall.
The drivers seat and the table are removable. When removed that space together
with the back seat can be turned into a bed of about 2 meters long. The third
picture shows the interior towards the front. It starts at the left with the
separation barrier of the heater. Then follows a seat and then the kitchen unit.
I use only one cooker because cooking is not my favourite pastime, in fact it
goes no further than making lots of coffee and heating up some ready-made food.
In addition I think the system of a cooker fixed on top of the gas bottle is one
of the safest one can get. In the middle is the main bed that also functions as
a seat when 'working' in the kitchen. Underneath the bed are the water tank and
a dry toilet (not so much for using under normal circumstances but is some
countries the authorities might become nasty when you either don't have a toilet
or one that pollutes the water). To the right behind the steering stand is the
cool-box (not visible in the picture). To the front end of the boat are at
both sides of the bed two rather spacious cabinets The other pictures show
details of the same. Some might wonder whether that strange orange colour of the
interior implies that I am a fanatic fan of Dutch soccer but I am afraid there
is a more banal reason, when starting the job of renovating the boat I came
across a sale of orange paint for less than two pounds the lighter and I could
not resist the bargain. It is an unusual colour but it sure makes for a rather
cheerful interior.